“One campaign, 41,000+ new prospects watching 1368 hours of video every month.

Average view time 2.37 min per person and then they call ‘pre-sold'”

(That’s over 32,000 hours of air time in two years)

Step By Step

When you can describe a persons fears, frustrations, wants and desires to them better than they can describe these emotional triggers themselves, they instantly perceive you as the expert and automatically assume you have the solution they seek.

When You Communicate Your Reason Of Why You Want To Help, People Will Resonate With You On An Emotional Level.

Keep Your Videos Short – 45 to 90 seconds is all you need to convey you care.

Identify their pain points, the solution you have had others experience and their outcome, and how you can help them.

Video Cost Less

Having Spent Thousands on PPC and other forms of advertising, NOTHING has worked as well as video has.

Videos Tag Your Brand

People Relate To Me In My Videos. It’s such a relief knowing that when someone calls to ask for more information about my products & services, I am only provident more info, not ‘selling’ them.

Video = Future

There is a reason that YouTube is being built into televisions. The future is here and video is the advertising medium of choice. Did you know they do not even teach cursive writing is school anymore. Print is out!

Video Is Cost Effective

Video Delivers More Bang For The Buck When Done Properly. I can get your message across effectively. Call me.

Call For Your Consultation Today
