Your Future Ideal Lifestyle – Today

Your Future Ideal Lifestyle – Today

This is an interesting observation about our mental capability. Try it. Part One: Block out 15 minutes (or more) tonight or tomorrow morning when you can relax without distraction. During this time, envision your ideal future lifestyle 10 years from today. Immerse...
Ultimate Content Creation Outline

Ultimate Content Creation Outline

We’ve all heard it: “Content is King.” BUT Your Time is Short. Below is my ultimate solution & procedure outline that will help you solve that exact problem. This is my Content Creation Shortcut – How To Create 1 Years Worth of Real,...
Your 2020 Marketing Growth Calendar

Your 2020 Marketing Growth Calendar

People often ask me what is the highest leverage tool for gaining business growth, Fast. The answer is: Creating Real, Useful, Relevant, Content (That Actually Helps People) on a regular and consistent basis. Consistency VS Intensity = Consistency Wins. You’ve...